requestor_namefrom fun_all_business_units_v bu, hr_locations loc. organization_id, hao. ledger_idPayroll Statutory Unit is a legal entity that is registered to report payroll tax and social insurance. This table contains information such as the business unit ID, the usage code, the status, and the last update date. bu_id. IDENTIFICATIONKEY LIKE 'REQ_%'. user_guid = role. organization_id = bu. role_common_name = role. Manage Requisition in Primary BU by REST resources. View Object Attribute. BUSINESS_GROUP_ID BUSINESS_GROUP_ID, ORG. ledger_id , lg. Here are the following base tables for the Discount Lists in the Oracle Fusion. AND trx. profit_center_flag. where ZxAcctTrxV. BU_ID =. from FUN_BU_USAGES buusage. business_function_id = buu. bu_id ) ledger_id, sad. ledger_short_name. ) SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY position_id desc SET order1. accounting_rule_id) accounting_rule_id, dfla. receipt_method_id. ledger_id = rs. vendor_site_id. tax. position_id. , invoice_id. AND cr. and. bill_to_bu_id) SSA_Business_Unit, (select hrl1. and u. wht_rounding_level_code. Sorted by: 0. requisition_header_id) and businessunitpeo. Used to implement optimistic locking. wht_date_basis. org_id = :p_org_id and pv2. Run this SQL. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. psv. Helper class to store MOAC Attributes MOAC Attributes stored are MOAC Init Flag MOAC Privilege Name MOAC Org Count MOAC Total Org Count [ count from FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V ] MOAC Org Id (null for Multi Org Mode ) MOAC. UNION. VRM_OPERATING_UNITS_V. Content. name party_name, xlep. Hello all, I have 2 questions 1) I would like to run some statistics on what the procurement BU is on all our requisitions by querying the requisition header table (in R12) however the Procurement BU ID seems to be empty in most cases. AND lg. Id of the Business Unit that the Contract belongs to. fun_all_business_units_v Detail SQL Query to extract AR Invoice details in Oracle Fusion Here below is the complete sql query which helps to fetch the complete ar Invoice informations in oracle fusion. Narrowing down the roles we found out the a custom security role is the issue. We can use this sql query to develop the custom BIP reports in oracle fusion. , pssv. Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transnational Business. from fun_all_business_units_v bu, hr_locations loc. AND XlaTransEnt. Tables and Views for Financials. PRIMARY_LEDGER_ID = gll. Accounting Hub standardizes the accounting from. trx_id. organization_id = papf. bill_to_bu_id) bill_tobu,. […]SELECT hou. We need to join with the Business Units config table FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V to get the Business Units name. check_id AND aca. short_name ledger_short_name , cfgdet. AND fsa. document_id) and vsd. business_group_id. short_code. For example, set GL Date only for business units 204 and 205, and set it to the requested ship date. role_name, CASE WHEN ROLE. Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounting Hub is a robust accounting engine that integrates and aligns information from virtually any source system to consistently enforce accounting policies and meet multiple reporting requirements, giving you the agility, control, and insight needed to run your business. AND p. In most cases the. user_guid = role. business_unit_id select bu. BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME. ledger_id = rs. bu_name security_context_value FROM fusion. Schema: FUSION. vendor_name_alt. creation_date. io. Ra_batch_sources_all. , 'Business Unit' security_context , bu. qp_discount_lists_all_bFor example, AP_INVOICES_ALL, AR_BATCHES_ALL, PO_CONFIG_COMPONENTS, etc. invoice_num, aia. Here below is the detail sql query. "SELECT API. location_id entity_id, loc. Columns. sql_statement; select. fun_all_business_units_v c, ce_banks_v b, ce_bank_branches_v br, hz_locations hl, poz_supplier_contacts_v pscv,We are making updates to our Search system right now. PERSON_ID AND B. ) SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY position_id desc SET order1. party_site_name. qp_discount_list_items. INVOICE_ID FROM AP_INVOICES_ALL API, FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V BU, POZ_SUPPLIERS PZ WHERE API. bu_id = pcirf. select 'X' as key ,vendor_name ,vendor_number ,bu_name ,vendor_id , status ,( selectsql_statement; select. BU_ID = AG. ancestor_pos_code_uppername; party_tax_profile_id. SHORT_CODE, FUBU. ORG_INFORMATION2. id = pcirf. fun_all_business_units_v bu, xle_entity_profiles xle. manager_name. select fubu. currency_code primary_ledger_currency from ap_checks_all aca , poz_suppliers_v psv , poz_supplier_sites_v pssv , fnd_lookup_values flv , xle_entity_profiles xlp , fun_all_business_units_v fabv , gl_ledgers gl , fnd_document_sequences fds ,. Following Query require to restrict the Report data based on Roles and BU and USER. party_type_code. version_type = 'c' and vcch. business_function_name module_name, us. name; position_code_or_id_indented. ship_to. Labels: Fusion - BIP. POR_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL PRHA, FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V BU WHERE PAH. wht_rounding_rule. business_unit_id AND pu. party_id = hzp. org_id. party_type_code. WHERE rda. legal_entity_id. ledger_category_code = rs. location_name from hr_locations_all hrl1 where hrl1. Solution. Now the requirement is to fetch data when ever there is some update in any of the columns which are getting selected. Author: Anuj Chakravarty, Barnali Roy, Essan Ni Jirman, P. requisition_header_id. The below query extracts the list of data accesses given for any user in Oracle Cloud Application. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. FROM VRM_REVENUE_DOCUMENTS_ALL rda, hz_cust_accounts ca, hz_parties pty, fun_all_business_units_v funbu. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. For example, set GL Date only for business units 204 and 205, and set it to the requested ship date. BU_NAME IN (:BusinessUnit_Name) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM. location_type. use fun_all_business_units_v to get the values that identify business units. address_line_2, hrl. name; tax_rule_id. bu_id. drawee_id, NULL, trx. fun_all_business_units_v bu , fusion. wht_date_basis. requisition_number from po_headers_all poh, po_distributions_all pda , por_req_distribu. org_id=impl. Permissions were updated on the folders/report. Sorted by: 0. ; The FROM clause specifies the tables you are querying, including ap_invoices_all, poz_suppliers, hz_parties, poz_supplier_sites_all_m, and fun_all_business_units_v. . UNION. qp_discount_lists_vl. location_code, hla_bill. SELECT DISTINCT JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PROFILES. Which used to work in the past, but now it is showing all the GBPAs which are available. tax_event_class_code = 'PURCHASE_TRANSACTION' AND XlaTransEnt. role_name AND pu. Check if participant is not used in any credit rule. ledger_id) set_of_books_id , bu. select dt. My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of. position_id_indented. FROM ra_customer_trx_all trx , hz_cust_accounts ca , hz_parties pty , ra_cust_trx_types_all tty, ra_batch_sources_all bs, fun_all_business_units_v bu. poz_supplier_sites_all_m assa, hz_parties hp, iby_ext_bank_accounts ieba, iby_external_payees_all iepa, iby_pmt_instr_uses_all ipiua, poz_suppliers aps, hz_parties hp1, fun_all_business_units_v c, ce_banks_v b, ce_bank_branches_v br, hz_locations hl, poz_supplier_contacts_v pscv, iby_ext_party_pmt_mthds iepm WHERE. from zx_acct_transactions_v ZxAcctTrxV, xla_events XlaEvent, xla_transaction_entities XlaTransEnt, fun_all_business_units_v bu, xle_entity_profiles xle. rule. where status = 'a' Step1: Need to create the Business Unit Name LOV in BIP reports as per below. bu_id. end_date)If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. content_owner_id. legal_entity_id = xle. application_id = 101. person_id = sec. bu_name, fubu. role_name AND pu. cust_trx_type_seq_id =. party_tax_profile_id, xlep. WHERE gl. 0 [Release 1. cust_account_id. when book_id is not null then 'FA_BOOK_CONTROLS'. contract_number and okhab. WITH sn_tbl as ( SELECT dha. end_date)( select bu_name from fun_all_business_units_v where bu_id=pssam. drawee_id, NULL, trx. service_type_code. A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or many business functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy. active_flag = 'Y'poz_supplier_sites_all_m sus, hz_parties hzp, hz_locations hzl, xle_firstparty_information_v xle, fun_all_business_units_v fbu, zx_party_tax_profile ptp. fun_all_business_units_v businessunitpeo, pjb_inv_line_dists disteo, pjc_exp_items_all expeo, pjf_projects_all_vl prj, pjf_proj_elements_vl trn_tsk, RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_all RCTA, RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL RACTL, PER_PERSON_NAMES_F_V PersonNameDPEO, PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_M PAAM,. See Page 1. SELECT 'SHIP_TO_LOCATION' entity_type, loc. Maps to FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. source_doc_qty,0)), 0) as received_qty,'BUSINESS UNIT' security_context, BU. creation_date. CONFIGURATION_STATUS,TO_CHAR(HOU. ledger_id. Similarly, if you use a predefined role instead of the Procurement Requester role, you must assign this data security policy to the role:. WHERE fbu. PER_POSITION_HIERARCHY_F c, level1 p. lev. Schema: FUSION. SELECT distinct aia. vendor_name_alt. legal_entity_id , ptp. ledger_id in business_group_id. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. party_id. Audit Query Queries. We do get the different Inventory Organization parameters information and other Accounting related informations for these oracle fusion inventory organization tables. ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY REV_DOC_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,. where ZxAcctTrxV. sql> select participant_id, participant_name from cn_srp_participants_all. You can also set GL Date to the value of an attribute, and only for a specific business unit. creation. In Data Set tab, select Attribute Mapping = ‘BU_ID’ Go to Actions tab. location_id, hao. , pssv. party_id = pty. Reports (BIP) – Query to extract basic position details SELECT to_char(hapf. Previous Page. fulfill_line_id , dla. determinant_type = 'BU' AND fsa. date_to. Showing posts with label Oracle Fusion. WHERE legal_entity_id IS NOT NULL. Data security on BIP report. ORG_ID IS NOT NULL THEN FABUV. proj. "SELECT API. location_name from hr_locations_all hrl2For any of your fusion training needs, contact us at [email protected]. bill_to_bu_id) bill_tobu,. state ='assigned' and wf. effective_end_date. Sekhar, Subhashini D, Rebecca Nethala, Soniya Mathew. The code of the status that represents the gig state. FROM VRM_REVENUE_DOCUMENTS_ALL rda, hz_cust_accounts ca, hz_parties pty, fun_all_business_units_v funbu. psv. AND ou. description description, loc. A technology service company that provides innovative solutions around the oracle platform With Laser focus on customer delight as the primary success parameter. BU_NAME IN (:BusinessUnit_Name) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM PO_AGENT_ASSIGNMENTS A WHERE A. allowed_actions. Because We're with You Every Step of the Way!View Vendors. fin_business_unit_name. party_tax_profile_id, xlep. bu_id =. Source system should pass either BU_ID or. bu_id. PERSON_ID,B. Detail SQL Query to extract AR Invoice details in Oracle Fusion. Access the business units for which the user is explicitly authorized. pay_from_customer = ca. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. NAME WHEN ROLE. oracle e-business suite technical (ricew), oaf and intro to oracle cloud erp (fusion apps). vendor_site_id and ai. else datasec_context_type_code. and not exists (select 1. cust_account_id. bu_name, fubu. location_code, hla_bill. select papf. position_id. BATCH_ID. FROM VRM_REVENUE_DOCUMENTS_ALL rda, hz_cust_accounts ca, hz_parties pty, fun_all_business_units_v funbu. transaction_type_name, flva. from fnd_grants g, fnd_objects o, fnd_object_instance_sets ois, fnd_menu_entries me, fnd_form_functions ff, fun_business_object_mapping bomap. ledger_id set_of_book_idAND pu. SELECT FUBU. hr_operating_units SELECT *. union. document_status in ('approved','pending approval','returned','withdrawn') and ((rl. wftask wf, po_action_history pah, por_requisition_headers_all prha, fun_all_business_units_v bu where pah. 10. bu_name, fsg. when refer to some columns that can be found in other tables: WHERE t1. bu_id. business_group_id AND nvl(to_date(sys_context('apex_ctx','p2'),'DD-MON-YYYY'),sysdate) between c. DEFAULT_LEDGER_ID. bill_to_customer_id = ca. party_type_code, 'n' as use_le_as. party_idSELECT U. name; tax_rule_id. invoice_num. 1. per_users pu, per_all_people_f papf, per_person_names_f_v ppnf, ase_role_b r, ase_role_tl rtl WHERE ROLE. We need to join with the Business Units config table FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V to get the Business Units name. ACCOUNTING_DATE, rda. state = 'COMPLETE' AND t1. line_id , dfla. FROM fun_all_business_units_v bu , gl_ledgers gl. , 1. USERNAME,U. currency_code and. EVENT_ID. BU_ID AND PU. version_type = 'c' and vcch. FROM hz_parties hzp, cn_srp_participants_all cspa, fun_all_business_units_v fab WHERE cspa. Permissions were updated on the folders/report. USER_GUID = role. downstream_function_id. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. the below query will be handy while fetching business unit name in r13 instance. select poh. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES. drawee_id) = ca. requisition_header_id = rl. and (mp. status. name; party_tax_profile_id. prc_bu_id) procurement_bu, ( select bu_name from fun_all_business_units_v where bu_id=psaam. hao. org_id = bu. from fusion. AP_INVOICES_ALL 4. short_code. bu_id AND prd. where us. business_group_id=c. fun_all_business_units_v bu, gl_ledger_le_v led, pjf_projects_all_vl proj, pjf_bu_impl_all impl, ( select 'P' invert from dual. procurement_bu_id), 0), 5), 0) total_lcm_charge FROM rcv_shipment_headers rsh,. , (select primary_ledger_id bu from fun_all_business_units_v bu where sad. status = 'a' and. WHERE fbu. Business Unit. Create a CSV (comma delimited) data file. FROM. Site Address 12. Here are the some commonly used SQLs/Tables in the Fusion SCM Cloud applications for implementation and support resources. adjustment_number. ORG_ID = BU. business_unit_id= mp. bill_to_location_id) SSA_Bill_To_Location, (select hrl2. service_type_code. name party_name, ptp. The id that represents the employee who created the gig. tax_rule_code. SELECT HOU. BU_NAME "PROCUREMENT BU", REQ_BU. wht_date_basis. per_users pu WHERE role. An Oracle expert replies with a solution using the FUN_BUSINESS_UNIT key field and. FROM VRM_REVENUE_DOCUMENTS_ALL rda, VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS vsd, fun_all_business_units_v funbu,. what is the join condition between the GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS and HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS. Posted byBI Publisher supports executing PL/SQL anonymous blocks. Use cases that provide real-world solutions with code examples. entity_id = XlaEvent. from zx_acct_transactions_v ZxAcctTrxV, xla_events XlaEvent, xla_transaction_entities XlaTransEnt, fun_all_business_units_v bu, xle_entity_profiles xle. bu. Step3: Use the Below query to get the Agent ID which is nothing but the Person ID from the Query and the Business Unit ID which is needed for creating the Procurement Agent. wht_date_basis. short_code, to_char (fabuv. DESCRIPTION LOCATION_NAME, ORG. prc_bu_id) procurement_bu,FROM fun_all_business_units_v bu, fun_business_functions_b bf, fun_bu_usages_v buu WHERE bu. business_group_id, hao. select. WHERE cr. bu_id = sus. when org_id is not null then 'FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V'. Users can run the report, but no data is populated. po_line_id is null) or (rl.